Beginner's guide

Welcome to the VidHub beginner's guide. Below is a detailed guide to help newcomers overcome initial challenges. Please pay close attention as we walk you through.
Step 1: Upon entering the VidHub app for the first time, you will see the "Media Library" add button. Click on the "Add" button.
Step 2: After clicking the "Add" button, when you click on "Add Storage", it will redirect you to the Add Storage page, using Alibaba Cloud Drive as an example.
Step 3: Clicking on Alibaba Cloud Drive will redirect you to the page for adding Alibaba Cloud Drive. Simply click on "Add".
Step 4: After clicking "Add," you will enter VidHub's cloud drive application page. Then, click on "Allow."
Note: (The Backup Drive and Resource Library are locations where Alibaba Cloud Drive stores files. It is recommended to check both options).
Step 5: Click to open
Step 6: On this page, you can select the folder where the video is located as the file source. Click on the checkbox next to the folder - a checkmark indicates selection. Then, name the file source and click on "Finish". Once completed, VidHub will automatically search for all videos within that folder and import them into the media library.
For example, if there is a folder A in the Backup Drive, and folder A contains another folder B where all the user's videos are stored. In this case, the user can navigate to Backup Drive, then into A, and individually select B as the file source. All videos within folder B will be automatically imported into the media library.
Note: Only "folders" can be selected as file sources for automatic import into the media library. Individual "files" cannot be selected for import.
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Step 7: Upon clicking "Finish", you will be automatically directed back to the page for adding/modifying file sources.
After clicking the return icon in the upper left corner, you will be taken back to the list of file sources.
Step 8: Next, click on the media library. VidHub will automatically search for all video files under the added file source, retrieve online movie/show information and posters based on the file names, and add them to the media library. Your video resources will be displayed here. Click to watch. (Follow the naming conventions for video file names).