Use the media library

Continue Watching

1.When watching a video, unfinished videos will be categorized under "Continue Watching" and display the progress. Simply click the white play button to continue watching.
2.For movies, once you finish watching, they will be categorized under "Watched" section.
3.For TV shows, after finishing the current episode, the next episode will be shown under "Continue Watching". In the case of multiple seasons, after finishing a season, the first episode of the next season will be displayed. Once you have finished watching all seasons, it will be categorized under "Watched" section.
4.Long-pressing a video in the "Continue Watching" category allows you to "Mark as Watched."
5.There are three options for marking as watched:
5.1. Current Episode: Selecting this option will move the current episode to the "Watched" category.
5.2. Full Season: Choosing this option will move all episodes within a season to the "Watched" category.
For example: If Season 1 is marked as watched, Season 2 will appear under "Continue Watching."
5.3. Full Series: Opting for this option will move the entire series to the "Watched" category.
For example: All seasons and episodes will be marked as watched, and they will not appear in "Continue Watching."

Add Playlist

1.To create your own playlist, click on the three dots in the top right corner of the homepage, then select "Edit Media Library."
2.Scroll down to find the playlist and check the box (it is not displayed by default).
3.In the media library, find the playlist and click "View All."
4.On the "All Playlists" page, click on "Create New Playlist" in the top right corner.
5.Name the new playlist and click "Save" to create it.
6.After saving, the newly added playlist will be displayed on the playlists page.

To delete a playlist

1.Enter the playlist you wish to delete, then click on the three dots in the top right corner, and select "Delete Playlist."
Note: Deleting a playlist will only remove the playlist. The videos can still be found in the media library.

Adding videos to playlists

If you want to add a video to a playlist, long-press on the movie poster on the media library page, then click on "Add to Playlist."
Note: If adding a TV series to a playlist, all videos within the series will be added to the playlist.

Adding to Favorites

Long-press on the movie poster, click on "Add to Favorites," and the movie will be displayed in the Favorites category. Long-press again and click "Remove from Favorites" to remove it from the Favorites.
Note: The Favorites category will only be visible when selected for display, otherwise it won't show. (Settings can be adjusted in the media library - top right corner three dots - Edit media library.)

Mark as Watched

Movies marked as watched will be categorized as such. Unmarking them will remove them from the category.
Note: If a movie in the "Continue Watching" category is marked as watched, even if unmarked, the previous viewing record will remain.

Media Library Status Information

When scanning files, scroll to the bottom to view the current scanning status. Upon completion, the total number of movies/TV shows/other videos in the media library will be displayed at the bottom.